
Traditional use of herbal medicines refers to the long historical use of these medicines, for a long time natural remedies were the main resource available, making the knowledge of plant species an emerging discipline, phytotherapy. Worldwide, traditional, complementary or unconventional medicine has constituted an important pillar in the provision of health services, many countries recognize the need to develop a coherent and comprehensive approach in health care, facilitating access of traditional medicine in a safe, friendly, affordable, and effective way. From this reason arise the strategy of the World Health Organization 2002-2005, because of its importance it was updated for 2014-2023. In Guatemala there is a traditional practical use of medicinal plants, also there is a National Program on Traditional Medicine and the National Vade mecum on Medicinal Plants, which contain validated information about medicinal plants and with sufficient scientific evidence. Derived from the analysis of the national health system, medicinal plants are proposed as one of the strategies to improve access to health care quality, and health promotion of intercultural approach, giving a new proposal to health care systems as integrated, inclusive, accessible and multicultural that promotes quality in service and to answer the needs of the community with the resources provided by the environment.

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