
MR. W. R. LE FANTJ'S paper, “A List of Medical Libraries and Information Bureaux in the British Isles”, in the Journal of Documentation of December 1946 is now available separately from the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (3s.). The list is based on a questionnaire issued by the Association in the autumn of 1944 to libraries known to possess medical collections and to hospitals, medical societies and medical institutions throughout the British Isles. Special libraries of pharmacy and veterinary medicine are included, but not those of anthropology or the biological sciences, except anatomy and physiology. Libraries and information bureaux are listed separately, the latter being institutions without libraries which have an active policy of gathering and disseminating information. The annotated lists are arranged alphabetically first for London, and then, separately, those outside London. A list of medical libraries holding periodicals registered in the World List and Union Catalogue is appended with an index of special collections and subjects.

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