
The main objective of CEN/TC251/WG4 is to create standards for image communication to allow interoperability between heterogeneous systems in a distributed environment. The scope includes all forms of medical imaging (not only radiology) and also the image related data. The Working Group (WG) is monitoring developments in the whole field of medical imaging and multimedia, in particular image formats, image management, image processing, interface control, security and multimedia (including related standards). International co-operation is crucial resulting in one internationally acceptable standard. Technology independents for cost and evolution reasons is a perquisite of the approach, which results in a focus towards more generic standards. The work items define concrete steps, where the WG considers it important and feasible to produce a deliverable (ENV or CEN Report) within a definite time schedule. New work items will be proposed where needed. The first two Project Teams, which have finished their work, are: Medical Image and Related Data interchange format standards (WI 4.3) Profiles for Medical Image interchange (EWOS/EG MED, PTN-024). In both work items (WI), contributions from the United States and Europe are brought together. Europe is presenting a framework which includes an image communication model and a registration procedure for the objects. This 'road map' for migration towards the use of IT&T base-standards also contains a medical ISP based on ISO-IPI (Image Processing Interchange (ISO 10227)). Two other Project Teams have been launched at the beginning of 1994: Medical Image Management standard (WI 4.2) Medical Data Interchange: HIS/RIS-PACS and HIS/RIS Modality Interface (WI 4.9).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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