
State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
 Purpose: to evaluate the awareness about the coronary heart disease (CHD), associated with comorbidities, amongst the internists of the State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department (SIS «RPC PCM» SAD), with the consequent working out of the study module «Comorbidities in patients with CHD: up-to-date treatment requirements».
 Material and methods. This integrated medical and sociological study was based on data derived from the anonymous survey of 48 medical doctors (MDs) of SIS «RPC PCM» SAD (7 males and 41 females), performed by the use of dedicated questionnaire. The age of respondents varied from 32 to 72 years; the average age was 53,1±1,17 years; the average length of service was 27,8±1,35 years. Statistical data analysis was performed by the use of standard statistical package (Statistica v. 6.0).
 Results and discussion. On the whole, the SIS «RPC PCM» SAD MDs pointed at the comprehensive approach to the assessment of patients` health status: 97,9±2,1 % of respondents payed attention to the presence of comorbidities while planning the examination and treatment of patients with CHD. The most prevalent comorbidities were as follows: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic cholecystitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and osteochondrosis. We established that MDs had the high competence in the risk factors modification in CHD patients: 95,8±2,9 % of doctors pointed to the fact that they discussed with their patients the issues regarding the risk factors modification. The principal items the MDs payed attention at were as follows: smoking cessation (93,8±3,5 %), body mass control (93,8±3,5%), adherence with the proper level of physical activity (87,5±4,8 %), nutrition (83,3±5,4 %), the necessity of the control of blood pressure (87,5±4,8 %) and total cholesterol level (66,7±6,8 %).
 Conclusion. According to the sociological study results, we ascertained the principal statements of the parts of the study module «Comorbidities in patients with CHD: up-to-date treatment requirements», and 95,8±2,9 % of MDs considered it as such to be implemented in the study process.

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