
The aim: Тo assess the current approaches to training doctors to manage patients with multimorbidity or comorbidity and the awareness of physicians of the State Institution of Science “Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine” State Administrative Department (SIS “RPC PCM” SAD) of this problem. Materials and methods: 88 medical doctors of SIS “RPC PCM” SAD were interviewed anonymously, using the specially designed questionnaire. The age of respondents varied from 32 to 72 years; the average age was 53,1±1,2 year; the average length of service was 27,8±1,4 years. The doctors were divided into two groups: the 1st one included 56general practitioners, the 2nd group – 32 doctors – consisted of cardiologists, rheumatologists, neurologists and endocrinologists. Results: The results of the sociological survey showed that 94,3±2,5% of SIS “RPC PCM” SAD medical doctors pay attention to the presence of comorbid pathology in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) during the appointment of examination and treatment. Іntroduction of the module «Comorbidity in patients with coronary artery disease: current requirements for treatment» into the postgraduate medical education curriculum is considered necessary by 95,5 ± 2,2% of the interviewees. No statistical difference was found betweenthe 1st and the 2ndrespondent groups (р=0,55). Conclusions: The results of the study substantiate the necessity of implementation of continuing medical education of doctors (general practitioners, cardiologists, rheumatologists, neurologists, endocrinologists) on management of patients with multimorbidity and comorbidityusing interactive live workshops and online case studies.

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