
Intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of the nonapeptide oxytocin (OXT) increases sexual receptivity in female rats. The medial preoptic area (MPOA) appeared to be the most sensitive brain area to the facilitative effects of OXT. Bilateral infusions of 100 ng of OXT into the MPOA significantly elevated lordosis quotients in ovariectomized (OVX), estrogen-treated rats. This dose of OXT was ineffective when infused icv or into the ventromedial hypothalamus, mesencephalic central gray, or ventral tegmental area. A 500-ng dose of OXT significantly elevated lordosis responding when infused icv, corresponding with our previous findings. Mounting by males significantly increased immunoreactive levels of OXT and decreased the number of OXT immunostaining cells in the MPOA of sexually receptive rats pretreated with estrogen and progesterone. The MPOA is a primary site of the OXT facilitation of sexual receptivity where OXT may be released during mating.

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