
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Salafiyah, Pambontergayang Village, shows that most students have little interest in fiqh subjects. Students consider Fiqh as identical with Madrasa and not like other general subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and so on. Multimedia media as a more effective learning media, one of them is Flash. Therefore, to complete the learning and learning components in schools, teachers should utilize media or tools that are able to stimulate learning effectively and efficiently. By using the Borg & Gall method which outlines the four main steps of implementing research and development strategies, namely 1) Analyzing the needs of the products produced. 2) Planning (planning). 3) Development of product draft (develop preliminary form of product). 4) Preliminary field testing. So that it can improve the learning process so with an interesting learning media can foster enthusiasm, interest, and activate students in the process of teaching activities in the classroom, especially in fiqh subjects.

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