
DEVELOPMENT OF ASSIGNMENT WORKSHEET OF NATURAL SCIENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BASED ANDROID MULTIMEDIA THROUGH AUGMENTED REALITY Ali Fakhrudin 1 , Sri Yamtinah 2 , and Riyadi 3 Master Program of Elementary School Teacher Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia Correspondence necessity: phone. +62 85640198679, e-mail. alifakhrudin12@gmail.com ABSTRACT Worksheet is one of learning tools which supporting in learning objectives achievement optimally. Data field in Elementary School showed that worksheet which is given to students is less optimal in supporting learning objectives achievement, especially in natural science subject. Worksheet that presented was not capable to give significant influence in maximizing the learning process. This study aims to develop worksheet using assignment method through Augmented Reality (AR) that can be accessed via Android. This research is development research that consists of needs analysis and first research, planning, development of first form product, revision and first field experiment, revision and main field experiment, and revision and realization field experiment. Subject of this research is students of Surakarta Elementary School in academic year of 2016/2017. The research data obtained through interview, test, and questionnaire based on the result of the research that was conducted before. The conclusion shows that worksheet developed is stated eligible and able to give significant influence towards the improvement of students’ achievement. Keywords : Assignment Worksheet, Augmented Reality (AR), Android

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