
This paper examined Indonesia’s Islamic online media and their consequences on the multicultural society. This study employed content analysis of 10 Islamic online media in Indonesia. The result of the study shows that 1) Representation as Islamic media was showed by the name of the website, the concept of the icon or specific terms, rubrics name, and alignments to the Islamic countries in the conflict against Israel and United States of America. 2) The packaging of the contents as Islamic media can be read from the tagline that underlined Islam the main issue, declaring the fighting for ‘the truth’ that is in line with Islam, and asserting the media as “Islamic struggle tool”. 3) Islamic online media in Indonesia had the potential to understand some Muslim views as a part of multicultural society; however, they also had the possibility to promote conflicts and to increase the escalation of conflicts in the multicultural society. This study suggests the significance of dialogue between the editors in the religion-based media about the role of media in the multicultural society. The need of media literacy for the journalists and readers of the Islamic-based media is also recommended.


  • This paper examined Indonesia’s Islamic online media and their consequences on the multicultural society

  • 2) The packaging of the contents as Islamic media can be read from the tagline that underlined Islam the main issue, declaring the fighting for ‘the truth’ that is in line with Islam, and asserting the media as “Islamic struggle tool”. 3) Islamic online media in Indonesia had the potential to understand some Muslim views as a part of multicultural society; they had the possibility to promote conflicts and to increase the escalation of conflicts in the multicultural society

  • This study suggests the significance of dialogue between the editors in the religion-based media about the role of media in the multicultural society

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Metode Penelitian Penelitian tentang media daring

Islam di dalam masyarakat multikultikultural menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan subjektif. Selain itu salah satu judul yang diangkat dalam rubrik Aspirasi juga secara tegas menyatakan penyusupan Zionis di kalangan pemerintahan dengan judul “Zionis Menyusup ke Umat Islam”.Terakhir terdapat rubrik Cermin menegaskan pandangan Hizbuh Thahrir yang sering mengkritik Pemerintah Indonesia yang dianggap tidak menjadi pemimpin yang seharusnya untuk umat Islam, seperti yang termuat di Editorialnya tentang ‘Negara Gagal’. Daftar rubrik yang terdapat dalam situs ini selain disediakan pada menu di bagian atas dari kiri ke kanan, juga disediakan pada daftar isi yang terletak di bagian kanan bawah. Pada media Islam Suara Islam terdapat beberapa rubrik yaitu: 1) Terbaru/terpopuler, 2) Berita foto, 3) Topik pilihan, 4) Persoalan umat, 5) TV suara Islam, dan 6) Opini, Di bagian bawah terdapat tiga rubrik lagi yang ditampilkan bersisian atau sejajar, yaitu: Suara pembaca, Buletin AD dakwah, dan Muslimah.

20 Oktober 2012 termuat berita-berita berikut
Menegaskan media sebagai ‘alat perjuangan Islam’
Media Online Islam dalam
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