
The article examines relations between new media and the city in spatial and temporal dimensions. A process of personal and social semiotization, as well as visibility, invisibility and quasi-visibility of media elements represent categories of the complex relations between mobility, temporality and spatiality. The article analyti- cally explores creative, social and technological possibilities of new urban media and mediated practices, rather than indicating the critical implications of them.


  • SPACE, TIME AND URBAN MEDIARelations between media and cities have become more and more sophisticated

  • 3K\VLFDOLQ¿OWUDWLRQLVWKH¿UVWGLPHQVLRQRIWKHVSDWLDOLQ¿OWUDWLRQDQGLWWDNHVSODFHZKHQ media objects become built into the material infrastructure of the city, such as a television screen or an interactive built-in computer as a part of a building wall (Fig. 1)

  • Hybrid time sets are constructed within the frames of two axes: the space axis of the continuum of virtuality, augmentation and physicality; and the time axis of the continuum of past, present, and future

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Relations between media and cities have become more and more sophisticated. A number of new media tools and services are being applied in urban spaces to create converging media VSDFHV ZKHUH QHZ PHGLD LQWHQVLYHO\ GHWHUPLQH WKH ¿OOLQJ DQG VWUXFWXUL]DWLRQ RI WKH XVHUV¶ time (Kopecka-Piech 2012). Stationary media determine physical space more than virtual ones. They are tangible, material in their nature so their effects are material – they change WKHYLVXDOVLWHRIWKHFLW\FUHDWHQHZYLVLEOHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHVWKDWLQWHJUDWHLW7KHLULQÀXHQFH is much more spatial than temporal. Stationary urban media do not “drain” the users’ time as intensively as mobile media do. They might engage users and demand their time, but it is determined by the space, the location of the medium. Mobile media determine the virtual space of the city much more than stationary media, because they create the invisible urban networks: informational and social networks which enable one to annotate the physical space, hybridize it and augment it. Mobile urban PHGLDDUHWRDODUJHGHJUHHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHXVHUV¶WLPHVWUXFWXULQJE\LQÀXHQFLQJGDLO\ DFWLYLWLHV ZRUNLQJVKRSSLQJHQWHUWDLQLQJ ±GRLQJWKHPRQWLPHE\PRYLQJIDVWHU¿OOLQJ WKHIUHHWLPHHWF6SDWLDODQGWHPSRUDOLQ¿OWUDWLRQRIERWKW\SHVRIPHGLDUHVXOWVLQQHZIRUPV of a city: mediatized, hybrid and converged

Virtual augmented physical
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