
Introduction: Educational objectives are said to be achieved if student learning outcomes develop and improve, as for what is meant by learning outcomes is the result of learning efforts carried out by students. The unpleasant learning atmosphere makes students become bored and unable to accept the knowledge given and usually the student will become lazy to learn it. Therefore, lecturers / lecturers need to also create a learning atmosphere in such a way that students can receive lessons and feel interested. One method that can attract students is learning using e-learning-based media that can be done remotely and can take place at any time without being limited by time. Objective: Knowing the Effectiveness of using e-learning learning media on Student Learning Interests in the Department of Dental Nursing, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health Tasikmalaya. Method: The research method uses pre-experimental design with a one-shot case study design. The subjects in this study will get treatment , namely e-learning learning. Then at the end of the program, students are given tests / questionnaires related to interest in learning. Results: Based on the results of data analysis, the effectiveness of the use of e-learning learning media on student learning interests is in the effective category with a high percentage of 59%. Conclusion: Online learning as a medium for students of the Department of Dental Nursing, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health Tasikmalaya, is effective in increasing student interest in learning.

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