
Migration is an objective process that promotes the global development and integration. At the same time, migration contains a lot of contradictions, the chief being the problem of social inclusion of one group and exclusion of another. Thus, migration is a process that has a strong potential for conflict. According to the classical sociological theories immigrant has to integrate into the local culture to become part of the host community. The new paradigm of research considers migration as social process that does not imply integration of immigrants into the local culture, but tolerate the variety of results of the migration process. Such a change is not possible at the society where xenophobia is spread and immigrants are perceived as a "threat". Native population need to be adapted to the potential pluralism of interaction models with different groups of immigrants. Modern mass media play a key role in this process. Media construct images of social groups and thus influence the formation of tolerant or intolerant attitudes in the society. On the basis of data of sociological research (content-analyses, survey, focus groups) there are two discourse models of the migration process in mass media: the model of migration crisis (subjects of discourse are locals, journalists and authorities) and the model of pragmatic tolerance (subjects of discourse are employers and authorities). Both models are based on the classical sociological tradition (integration as only one result of the migration process). Modern methodological approaches that suggest the development of international migration systems and transnational activity are not represented on information and social spaces. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-11-1

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