
Mechanisms of spatiotemporal localization of femtosecond powerful pulses, the problems and conditions of light bullets (LB) stability, being key issues for many applications, nowadays remain challenging and largely unresolved tasks. Therefore these questions attract much attention of scientists. As is known, in Kerr media the filamentation makes possible the generation of spatially and temporally compressed pulses. The filament is a self-organized structure formed through the competition of underlying processes such as, for example, diffraction, Kerr nonlinearity, photoinduced plasma, etc. Under anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) one of filamentation regimes may be realized, i.e. LB generation. As shown in experiment [1], the stability of the LB is due to their polychromatic Bessel-like structure consisting of a sharply localized high-intensity core and a weak, delocalized low-intensity periphery, which balances energy losses in the central core.

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