Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) are key components in the complex functioning of excitable cells. Because of this, their regulation is of paramount importance to the control of cellular activity. VDCCs consist of a pore-forming α1 subunit, which has four domains each containing six putative transmembrane segments. From purification studies, these are associated with an intracellular β subunit. They also co-purify with an α2 subunit, which is entirely extracellular, linked into the membrane by S-S bonding to a transmembrane δ subunit (Witcher et al. 1993; Liu, De Waard, Scott, Gurnett, Lennon & Campbell, 1996) (Fig. 1). A number of different α1 subunits have been cloned; α1C, D and S all form 1,4-dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive L-type calcium channels, whereas α1A, B and E form P/Q-, N- and possibly R- or T-type channels, respectively. There are several means by which these channels may be modulated, but for neuronal channels, particularly N and P/Q, a major mechanism involves inhibitory modulation via the activation of heterotrimeric G proteins by seven transmembrane (7TM) receptors (for review see Dolphin, 1995). The key features of this inhibition are that it is always partial and is typified by a slowing of the current activation kinetics, which is thought to be due to a time-dependent recovery from voltage-dependent inhibition (Bean, 1989). The voltage dependence is manifested by a shift to more depolarized potentials of the current activation-voltage relationship, and the loss of inhibition at large depolarizations (Bean, 1989). There may also be additional mechanisms that are not voltage dependent, manifested by an incomplete ability of a depolarizing prepulse to reverse the inhibition (Diverse-Pierluissi & Dunlap, 1993), and the continuing presence of inhibition at large depolarizations measured from the tail current amplitude. Figure 1 The VDCC oligomeric complex Calcium channels are present in many tissues, where they fulfil a number of different specialized roles. In neurons the distribution of the channels is non-uniform, with α1B and α1A being particularly concentrated at synaptic terminals (Westenbroek, Hell, Warner, Dubel, Snutch & Catterall, 1992; Westenbroek et al. 1995). G protein-mediated modulation of these channels has been shown to occur at presynaptic terminals (Toth, Bindokas, Bleakman, Colmers & Miller, 1993). Evidence suggests that this mechanism may be responsible for at least some of the presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission mediated by a wide variety of 7TM receptors in many areas of the nervous system (Man-Son-Hing, Zoran, Lukowiak & Haydon, 1989; Hille, 1992; Toth et al. 1993; Dolphin, 1995). Activation of such receptors will reduce calcium entry into presynaptic terminals via VDCCs, but the effect should be frequency dependent. Inhibition will be reduced during a high frequency train as a result of the voltage dependence of the inhibitory modulation, providing a gain-setting mechanism. Relief of inhibition of calcium currents, evoked by action potential-like voltage waveforms, has been reported during high frequency trains (Williams, Serafin, Muhlethaler & Bernheim, 1997), and might contribute to the modulation of presynaptic inhibition depending on input frequency. The search for the molecular mechanism of this modulation is hotting up. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that indirect mechanisms such as presynaptic hyperpolarization, or direct mechanisms involving inhibition of exocytosis, are also likely to play a role in the modulation of presynaptic release of transmitter (Man-Son-Hing et al. 1989).
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