
The airway smooth muscle cell can contract; relax; participate in allergic and inflammatory responses by expressing adhesion molecules, releasing cytokines, and producing matrix proteins and proteases; and, as has been reported, undergo migration. These properties enable the muscle cell to be a key component in the airway wall remodeling that accompanies persistent asthma. Evidence is emerging that identifies the pivotal steps in the signal transduction pathways that lead to the excessive proliferation of the muscle observed in vitro in airway smooth muscle cells from subjects with asthma. The contractile, biochemical, and growth characteristics of muscle from allergic subjects are different from those of nonallergic subjects. In addition, the allergic response impacts on the extracellular matrix in which the muscle is embedded, by altering the profile of matrix proteins released. Once the relationships between allergy and inflammation of the smooth muscle and its extracellular matrix are better defined, opportunities to prevent or reverse airway remodeling will become available.

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