
The ovulatory process is extraordinary in that it constitutes a hormone- induced injury. Gonadotropin delivered via the follicular vascular wreath stimulates secretion of plasminogen activator by contiguous ovarian surface epithelial cells. A consequent elevation in interstitial plasmin activates collagenases and cleaves tumor necrosis factor α from its anchors on endothelium. Collagen fibril degradation and cellular death at the apex of the preovulatory follicle are hallmarks of impending ovulation. Follicular contractions rupture the weakened fabric at the apex, and the ovum, which has been disconnected from the underlying granulosa, is expelled; these components of the cascade are prostaglandin-mediated. Ovulation is required for fertility; unfortunately, it imparts a cancer risk to the ovarian surface epithelium. DNA-damaging reactive oxygen species are generated by inflammatory cells attracted into the vicinity of the ovulatory stigma. An ischemia-reperfusion flux coincident with ovulation and wound repair also contributes to genotoxicity. Potentially mutagenic lesions in DNA are normally reconciled by TP53 tumor suppressor-dependent cell-cycle arrest and base excision repair mechanisms; it is a unifocal escape that could be problematic. Epithelial ovarian cancer is a deadly insidious disease because it typically remains asymptomatic until it has metastasized to vital abdominal organs.

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