
Diabetes is a common metabolic disease that causes cardiovascular disease. Insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs are the treatment for diabetes, but high percentage of patients cannot use allopathic drugs and rely on natural alternative healings. Camel milk with therapeutic properties, is a good source of vitamins C, minerals such as Mn, iron, Cu, Zn; and immunoglobulins compared to cow milk. Insulin of camel milk is a great substitute due to no coagulum formation in the stomach. Raw camel milk increases insulin secretion, reduces insulin resistance and affects signaling and glucose transport. It also decreases the complications due to diabetes like cardiovascular disorders, obesity, oxidative stress and promotes wound healing. There is high amount of unsaturated fatty acids in camel milk for heart health. Also, probiotic bacteria and hypocholesterolemia peptides reduce cholesterol absorption and hence better control of its blood level and cardiovascular issues. Therefore, camel milk is effective in preventing complications due to diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

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