
1. The poorest strength characteristics are shown by sheets of alloy D16 containing the lower limits of alloying elements. 2. Sheets quenched after annealing and not straightened after quenching also exhibit poor ultimate strength and yield points at room and elevated temperatures (brief tension). 3. Sheets quenched after cold rolling and after annealing and then stretcher leveled show higher, almost identical strength characteristics. 4. Variation in the degree of deformation during straightening within 1 to 3% does not have any great effect on the strength characteristics of a material. But even slight deformation (about 1%) affects these characteristics, particularly after prolonged soaking. 5. At 200° the chief factor influencing the increase in stress-rupture strength is straightening after quenching. The straightening has a particularly favorable effect on specimens with a coarse micrograin. 6. At 250 and 300° straightening affects the stressrupture strength to a lesser extent than the grain size.

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