
Mechanical and magnetic properties of the ZnO/Fe2O3 ceramic varistors have been examined by using mechanical analyzer, digital microhardness tester and vibrating sample magnetometer. The initial stress–strain behavior is found to be linear (elastic) then becomes nonlinear (plastic deformation) without reaching the failure limit up to the maximum available stress (0.07MPa). The compressive elastic modulus varies between 0.2 and 0.8MPa with Fe addition up to 0.50. Furthermore, an approximately monotonically linear decrease in VHN with increasing Fe content up to 50% has been observed for all applied loads, which closely resembles the behavior of the true hardness and the surface energy. The magnetic measurements revealed an antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic to transition for all Fe doped samples. The Fe free sample showed paramagnetic behavior down to 2K. The Neel temperature moderately increased from 18K at 0.05% Fe to 25K at 0.5% Fe. The magnetization (M) versus applied magnetic field (H) did not reach saturation for all samples up to 9Tesla. The saturated magnetization (per Fe contents) is low and found to decreases linearly at a rate of (−35emu/g-Fe) in a clear manifestation of the strengthening of the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction with increasing Fe contents.

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