
Mimetic method which measures the surface tension in the droplet rotation as to simulate zero gravity. By generating centrifugal force with that gravity-free state floats the liquid which intends to measure surface tension and that it gives rotating velocity as a spherical sample of the droplet state in this for the surface tension, it swells to the shape of the new spheroid, it balances. For universal go-back with enormous costs and instantaneous measurement by the falling facilities, it aimed at the establishment of the technique of which the practical high precision is obtained here, it can repeatedly carry out in the hand, since it does not break in the conclusion, in simplifying. That turned on certain vertical axis and the effect of the gravity which was the body force was reduced to the utmost by the contrivance of the mechanism with the advantage which obtains the clear extension image, and this method is more realizable as if the zero gravity was made.

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