
Goal. To select criteria for optimal solutions for calculating techniques of effective control of weeds in the summer-autumn period, taking into account their biological groups, the level of weed infestation and harmfulness.
 Methods. The experiments were carried out in a stationary field crop rotation, laid down in 2010. Carrying out the experiment and determining weed infestation was performed according to generally accepted methods. To process data and criteria for optimal combinations of weed control methods, the calculation method was used.
 Results. The essence of the optimal solution for controlling weeds in the summer-autumn period is as follows. The period of time, during which effective control of weeds can be carried out is determined. This is the period from harvesting the crop to the end of the weed growing season. The number of possible agro-technical technique of control is taken into account. It is assumed that for the emergence of annual seedlings or the restoration of the organs of vegetative propagation of perennial weeds, an average of 15 days is required. The possible harm in the given field of various biological groups of weeds is calculated in points by multiplying the actual weed infestation in points by the value of their harmfulness by rank. A table is compiled of the ranks of the effectiveness of agro-technical control techniques for each biological group of weeds. The most effective individual weed control techniques or their combination are selected. Each technique or combination thereof is evaluated and summing up the results; effective methods for controlling weeds are determined by indicators of the least residual damage. In order to determine the reasonability of increasing the number of agricultural practices, the conditional weed harm score is calculated by dividing the sum of the results by the square of the number of techniques. A decrease in the conditional score with an increase in the number of agro-technical measures shows that a further increase in the number of weed control methods is impractical.
 Conclusions. In the system of ecologically safe farming, the main attention in the weed control system belongs to summer-autumn agro-technical techniques. Calculation of such weed control in specific soil and climatic conditions can significantly increase the effectiveness of both individual agricultural methods and their combinations.


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  • the main attention in the weed control system belongs to summer-autumn agro-technical techniques

  • Áóëè ïîâåäåí â3äáîðè ïðîáðóíòó íà ïîëÿõ äëÿ îö3íêè ð3âíÿ çàñì3÷åíîñò íàñ3ííÿì âîâ÷êà

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