
This paper reports measurements of the vapor pressure and PVT properties of the R 115 (CClF2CF3). The present measurements were made by the constant volume method coupled with isothermal expansion procedures for a certain fixed density of a sample. The measurements were conducted in the range of temperatures from 296 to 443 K and of pressures from 0.8 to 9.6 MPa and of densities from 235 to 1176 kg/m3 along 11 different isochores. The number of data for the vapor pressure is 68 and that of the PVT data is 94. The experimental uncertainties in the temperature, density and pressure were estimated as ±8 mK, ±0.1 % and ±3 kPa, respectively. We calculated the vapor pressure correlation based on our vapor pressure data and Matthias' vapor pressure data. The vapor pressure correlation represents vapor pressure from 227.5 K to critical temperature. Comparing our vapor pressure data with other reported data and correlations, it was found that the present measurements were consistent and reliable. The present PVT data were also compared with other reported data and available equations of state.

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