Abstract. The Measurements of Humidity in the Atmosphere and Validation Experiment (MOHAVE) 2009 campaign took place on 11–27 October 2009 at the JPL Table Mountain Facility in California (TMF). The main objectives of the campaign were to (1) validate the water vapor measurements of several instruments, including, three Raman lidars, two microwave radiometers, two Fourier-Transform spectrometers, and two GPS receivers (column water), (2) cover water vapor measurements from the ground to the mesopause without gaps, and (3) study upper tropospheric humidity variability at timescales varying from a few minutes to several days. A total of 58 radiosondes and 20 Frost-Point hygrometer sondes were launched. Two types of radiosondes were used during the campaign. Non negligible differences in the readings between the two radiosonde types used (Vaisala RS92 and InterMet iMet-1) made a small, but measurable impact on the derivation of water vapor mixing ratio by the Frost-Point hygrometers. As observed in previous campaigns, the RS92 humidity measurements remained within 5% of the Frost-point in the lower and mid-troposphere, but were too dry in the upper troposphere. Over 270 h of water vapor measurements from three Raman lidars (JPL and GSFC) were compared to RS92, CFH, and NOAA-FPH. The JPL lidar profiles reached 20 km when integrated all night, and 15 km when integrated for 1 h. Excellent agreement between this lidar and the frost-point hygrometers was found throughout the measurement range, with only a 3% (0.3 ppmv) mean wet bias for the lidar in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). The other two lidars provided satisfactory results in the lower and mid-troposphere (2–5% wet bias over the range 3–10 km), but suffered from contamination by fluorescence (wet bias ranging from 5 to 50% between 10 km and 15 km), preventing their use as an independent measurement in the UTLS. The comparison between all available stratospheric sounders allowed to identify only the largest biases, in particular a 10% dry bias of the Water Vapor Millimeter-wave Spectrometer compared to the Aura-Microwave Limb Sounder. No other large, or at least statistically significant, biases could be observed. Total Precipitable Water (TPW) measurements from six different co-located instruments were available. Several retrieval groups provided their own TPW retrievals, resulting in the comparison of 10 different datasets. Agreement within 7% (0.7 mm) was found between all datasets. Such good agreement illustrates the maturity of these measurements and raises confidence levels for their use as an alternate or complementary source of calibration for the Raman lidars. Tropospheric and stratospheric ozone and temperature measurements were also available during the campaign. The water vapor and ozone lidar measurements, together with the advected potential vorticity results from the high-resolution transport model MIMOSA, allowed the identification and study of a deep stratospheric intrusion over TMF. These observations demonstrated the lidar strong potential for future long-term monitoring of water vapor in the UTLS.
Water vapor is well known for its radiative, chemical, and thermo-dynamical significance in all layers of the atmosphere from the ground to the mesosphere (e.g., Forster and Shine, 1999)
In addition to the JPL water vapor Raman lidar permanently deployed at Table Mountain Facility in California (TMF), MOHAVE-2009 hosted two mobile lidar systems from the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), referred to hereafter as “ALVICE” and “Stratospheric Ozone (STROZ)” lidars
In order to optimize the timing of the balloon launches and lidar running times, the outputs from a high resolution Potential Vorticity (PV) advection model were provided to the MOHAVE-2009 participants
Water vapor is well known for its radiative, chemical, and thermo-dynamical significance in all layers of the atmosphere from the ground to the mesosphere (e.g., Forster and Shine, 1999). The first two MOHAVE (Measurement of Humidity in the Atmosphere and Validation Experiments) campaigns took place at the JPL Table Mountain Facility (TMF, 34.4◦ N, 117.7◦ W, elevation: 2300 m) in October 2006 and 2007. They were dedicated to the validation of the measurements of water vapor in the UTLS obtained by three new Raman lidars. Measurements from five satellite instruments (ACE, AIRS, MIPAS, MLS, TES) were included in the set of correlative data Another goal of the campaign was to provide water vapor profiles from the ground to the mesopause without gaps. Results are presented in other papers in this special issue on MOHAVE-2009 (Hurst et al, 2011b; McDermid et al, 2011; Leblanc et al, 2011a; McGee et al, 2011; Stiller et al, 2011; Whiteman et al, 2011; Toon et al, 2011)
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