
Asymmetries for the ({pi}{sup {minus}},{pi}{sup 0}) reaction on polarized {sup 3}He were measured using a 200-MeV pion beam at LAMPF. The {pi}{sup 0}{close_quote}s were detected with the neutral meson spectrometer in coincidence with the recoiling tritons. A recoil triton detector, consisting of scintillation-counter telescopes and a wire chamber, was used to measure the time-of-flight, energy loss, and direction of the tritons. The polarized gaseous {sup 3}He target, developed at TRIUMF, was modified to run with two diode lasers; the polarization reached 65{percent}. The asymmetries between {theta}{sub lab}=60{degree} and 105{degree} were found to be strongly angle dependent. The results are compared with theoretical calculations. {copyright} {ital 1999} {ital The American Physical Society}

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