
This paper presents the measurement of the nonlinear mechanical properties of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer based on the mixing ratio of base polymer to curing agent. Strip-type PDMS samples with different mixing ratios were prepared using a simple coating, curing, and cutting process. A cyclic uniaxial tension test with a fixed magnitude of applied strain and a single-pull-to-failure tension test were performed with a micro-tensile tester at room temperature.Our new finding is that when the PDMS is mixed with excessive curing agent, stress softening occurs and residual strain exists in cyclic tension tests when the magnitude of the applied strain increases. For the PDMS-05 samples, in which the mixing ratio of base polymer to curing agent was 5 to 1, there were large differences in the stresses for the same strain level under loading and unloading during the first cycle with a 100% fixed strain amplitude, but the softening effect of the stress in the PDMS dropped rapidly starting from the second cycle.Nonlinear mechanical Neo-Hookean, third-order Mooney, and second-order Ogden models of three different PDMS films were computed from the stress–strain data. The results showed that all models were preferable for the small strain region of PDMS compared with other models. In the nonlinear, large strain region, only the second-order Ogden model properly described the mechanical behavior of the PDMS, while the Neo-Hookean and third-order Mooney-Rivlin models were too stiff or flexible in the measurement range. The bulk modulus of PDMS increased with the amount of curing agent in it. Therefore, the second-order Ogden model is preferable for analyzing the PDMS structure over the entire measurement range. This could provide reasonable mechanical models of PDMS for rapid computational prototyping and for designing active and passive components from PDMS.

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