
To measure the light transmission of human amniotic membrane (AM) and compare it with that of therapeutic soft contact lens (TSCL). Total light transmittance of each sample (4 AMs and 2 TSCLs) was measured in the 250- to 800-nm range by using a spectrophotometer. The percent light transmission of TSCL was nearly 100% at wavelengths greater than 450 nm, decreased gradually in the sub-450-nm range, and reached 78.4 +/- 3.7 at 250 nm. In contrast, the percent transmission of the 4 AMs decreased gradually and continually throughout the spectrum as wavelength shortened. The transmission of light through AM dropped to less than 20% at 250 nm but remained 90% or more at wavelengths more than 600 nm. Light transmittance properties of cryopreserved human AM and human cornea are relatively similar, but AM (and not cornea) allows transmission of 24.6% of UVC.

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