
Abstract Acute inflammatory responses to infection and tissue damage are orchestrated by release of cytokines, primarily from macrophages and mast cells, but also by endothelium and tumor cells. A key initiator of the inflammatory response is tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), which binds to its receptor on target cells and activates a pro-inflammatory transcriptional program via the transcription factor NFkB. A critical downstream target of NFkB is the gene encoding interleukin-6, which stimulates an array of anti-infection processes, including synthesis of acute-phase proteins by the liver, proliferation of B cells, neutrophil production in bone marrow, and differentiation of Th17 helper T cells. Although beneficial in the context of attacking infection, dysregulation of IL-6 plays a deleterious role in autoimmune disease and cancer. In this study, we introduce a new method for measuring NFkB translocation by looking at the increase in IL-6 mRNA levels in the THP-1 suspension cell line using SmartFlare™ RNA detection probes. The ability to detect RNA in live cells and to acquire multi-spectral images of large numbers of cells allows for the accurate assessment of IL-6 mRNA levels in THP-1 cells.

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