
Brillouin lidar system using Fabry–Pérot (F–P) etalon and Intensified Charge Coupled Device (ICCD) is capable of real time remote measuring of properties like temperature of seawater. The measurement accuracy is determined by two key parameters, Brillouin frequency shift and Brillouin linewidth. Three major errors, namely the laser frequency instability, the calibration error of F–P etalon and the random shot noise are discussed. Theoretical analysis combined with simulation results showed that the laser and F–P etalon will cause about 4MHz error to both Brillouin shift and linewidth, and random noise bring more error to linewidth than frequency shift. A comprehensive and comparative analysis of the overall errors under various conditions proved that colder ocean(10°C) is more accurately measured with Brillouin linewidth, and warmer ocean (30°C) is better measured with Brillouin shift.

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