
Dr (h.c.) Haare Willliams reflects on well-being and ageing through the lens of eight and a half decades of lived experience and learning. He warms us to the theme of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists’ 2018 Conference, “e tipu ana ... as we grow …”, as he elucidates the influence on well-being of figural, personal, and world events, of social movements, of treasured relationships, of time — the influences which continue to shape being and well-being.WhakarāpopotongaHe whaiwhakaaro hauora, whaiwhakaaro koroheketanga tā Haare Wiremu mai i ngā karu o tētahi kua waru me te haurua ngahurutanga te koiora wheako whaiaro me te whakaemi mātauranga. Ko tāna he whakamahana i a tātau ki te kaupapa o te Wānanga o te tau 2018 a te Rōpū Kaiwhakaora Hinengaro o Aotearoa, “e tipu ana ...”, i a ia e whakamārama ana i te pānga ki te oranga ā-karetao, ā-whaiaro, kaupapa ā-ao, ngā whakanekenekehanga hāpori, ngā whanaungatanga puiaki, te haere o te wā — ngā whakaaweawe e hanga tonu nei i te koiora me te hau ora.

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