
Carbon doped GaAsSb samples have been grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy using carbon tetrabromide as carbon source. A maximal hole concentration of 4.5×10 20 cm −3 has been obtained with a corresponding mobility of 19 cm 2/V s. For hole concentrations in the 4–8×10 19 cm −3 range, typically used in HBTs, the hole mobility is 45–50 cm 2/V s. We show that 450 °C is the optimal growth temperature at which both high hole concentration and mobility are obtained. An InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBT test structure with a 2×10 19 cm −3 carbon doped base has been realised. The current gain β is about 80 and the emitter–base and base–collector junction ideality factors are 1.15 and 1.05, respectively, indicating good junction properties.

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