
The Iraqi Ministry of Defense decided that there would be no escape for the terrorist gang members from the death which it proceeded to it with a false doctrine until it is eradicated from Iraq which can never be an incubator of terrorism, accordingly and with the capabilities available to the ministry, the ministry has developed two strategies: The first is allocating ten regiments from the Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) to maximize the performance of the Iraqi armed forces (IAF) in defending the homeland and maintaining its security and stability from terrorist gangs in four border regions in Iraq. The second is to reduce the arrival time of the ISOF to the battlefield by determining the optimal possible paths using an efficient scientific approach which is the dynamic programming (DP). The results of this study after solving a real-life problem proved that the proposed approach is an effective mathematical approach for taking a series of related decisions by finding maximization level of performance of ISOF and the shortest time for them to reach the battlefield.

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