
Maurice Lugeon was born on 10 July 1870, at Poissy near Paris; but from 1876 onwards his home-town was Lausanne on the Swiss, that is the north, shore of the Lake of Geneva. Here he died on 23 October 1953 , after several months of illness. Lugeon has emphasized that two names, Chablais among places and Bertrand among persons, played a particularly important role in his life. Chablais is the district of France which faces Lausanne across the Lake of Geneva. Bertrand is the ever popular hero of French geology—Lugeon has styled him the ‘Confucius of tectonics’, that is of earth structure . Chablais is mainly occupied by the south-western portion of what geologists call the Prealps, or more specifically the Prealpes romandes. Geographically these Prealps furnish an ill-defined and local border-zone to the Alps as a whole. Running north-eastwards, they leave French territory near the east end of Lake Geneva to continue through Switzerland to the Lake of Thun. Their total length is 120 km, and maximum breadth 40 km. To the north-west the Swiss Plain spreads out before them, mostly well below 1000 m, whereas their own summits often reach above 2000 m, while those of the High Limestone Alps immediately to the south-east rise clad in snow to over 3000 m (Dent du Midi, Diablerets, Wildhorn, Wildstrubel).

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