
G?vruta studied atomic systems in terms of frames for range of operators (that is, for subspaces), namely ?-frames, where the lower frame condition is controlled by the Hilbert-adjoint of a bounded linear operator?. For a locally compact abelian groupGand a positive integer n, westudy frames of matrix-valued Gabor systems in the matrix-valued Lebesgue space L2(G,Cn?n) , where a bounded linear operator ? on L2(G,Cn?n) controls not only lower but also the upper frame condition. We term such frames matrix-valued (?,?*)-Gabor frames. Firstly, we discuss frame preserving mapping in terms of hyponormal operators. Secondly, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of matrix-valued (?,?*)- Gabor frames in terms of hyponormal operators. It is shown that if ? is adjointable hyponormal operator, then L2(G,Cn?n) admits a ?-tight (?,?*)-Gabor frame for every positive real number ?. A characterization of matrix-valued (?,?*)-Gabor frames is given. Finally, we show that matrix-valued (?,?*)-Gabor frames are stable under small perturbation of window functions. Several examples are given to support our study.

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