Matrix product states (MPS) have proven to be a very successful tool to study lattice systems with local degrees of freedom such as spins or bosons. Topologically ordered systems can support anyonic particles which are labeled by conserved topological charges and collectively carry nonlocal degrees of freedom. In this paper we extend the formalism of MPS to lattice systems of anyons. The anyonic MPS is constructed from tensors that explicitly conserve topological charge. We describe how to adapt the time-evolving block decimation (TEBD) algorithm to the anyonic MPS in order to simulate dynamics under a local and charge-conserving Hamiltonian. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the anyonic TEBD algorithm, we used it to simulate (i) the ground state (using imaginary time evolution) of an infinite one dimensional critical system of (a) Ising anyons and (b) Fibonacci anyons, both of which are well studied, and (ii) the real time dynamics of an anyonic Hubbard-like model of a single Ising anyon hopping on a ladder geometry with an anyonic flux threading each island of the ladder. Our results pertaining to (ii) give insight into the transport properties of anyons. The anyonic MPS formalism can be readily adapted to study systems with conserved symmetry charges, as this is equivalent to a specialization of the more general anyonic case.
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