
Mobile Agent technology is a more suitable paradigm to facilitate distributed computing environment based applications than the conventional approaches like client server model and Remote Procedure Call (RPC). Offer gathered by the mobile agent from all the preceding hosts is carried to all the succeeding hosts. After visiting as many hosts, the mobile agent returns to its owner with the offer congregated from various remote hosts. This concept leads to a range of security and recovery issues which demands more mechanisms to resolves those problems. These additional mechanisms involve more cost overhead (time, memory usage and CPU utilization). To overcome these limitations this research work proposes a new model [1], called Matrix Hop Mobile Agent (MHMA) system. In matrix hop mobile agent system, mobile agent sends the offer gathered from the remote host to the owner before the mobile agent is transferred to the next host. This new model protects the components of the mobile agent against various attacks by malicious agents or malicious hosts which eliminate the necessity of additional mechanisms to secure and recover different parts of mobile agent. This research has proved that the resources like time, memory usage, CPU utilization and etc., consumed by MHMA model is less than the existing systems.

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