
In this study, we used the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to investigate the matrix strain record of two calcareous shale formations, the Eocene Larrès and Pamplona Marls, along the eastern Jaca foreland fold-and-thrust belt (Southern Pyrenees). More than 1000 unoriented fragments, collected from 62 sites along 4 sub-parallel sections in the footwall of the regional Oturia thrust and through local Yebra anticline, were measured. The analysis of the degree of anisotropy (P’) and shape parameter (T) allowed to identify four types of magnetic fabrics. Type II fabrics associated with poorly deformed rocks are characterized by a relatively high anisotropy and an oblate shape. In contrast, type III fabrics, associated with strongly fractured rocks are characterized by the lowest anisotropy and a triaxial shape. Type IV and type V fabrics are characterized by increasing anisotropy and shape parameters, and are associated with the development of a weak to a slaty cleavage in rocks. The distribution of the magnetic fabric is roughly similar along the four studied sections. In the footwall of the Oturia thrust, magnetic fabrics evolve from the type V to type II over a 1000 m-long interval. By contrast, the distribution of magnetic fabric is roughly symmetric across the Yebra anticline, evolving from a dominating type II fabric in both limbs to mixed type III-type V fabrics within the 1 km-large hinge zone. The succession of the magnetic fabrics is interpreted as recording various degrees of matrix strain in response to thrusting and folding. The correlation of magnetic fabrics between the four sections highlights some along-strike variations in the extension of fabric domains that are interpreted as reflecting the local influence of 2nd-order factors, such as the syn-tectonic sedimentation. Results are integrated within the tectono-sedimentary framework of the studied area to propose a model of matrix strain related to the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of a foreland fold and thrust belt.

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