
AbstractDiplodia sapinea and Diplodia scrobiculata are opportunistic pathogens of Pinus species. Several studies about taxonomy, impact and epidemiology of these fungi have been conducted in previous years, which have provided useful information and have raised new issues. These diseases produce a considerable impact on plantations resulting in significant economic losses. The main aims of this study are to increase the knowledge of the potential of genetic exchange and the relative aggressiveness of these organisms that can persist in healthy tissues of asymptomatic trees. A collection of 250 isolates among which are 149 strains collected from Pinus radiata plantations in Basque Country (Spain) and 101 strains from different countries was included in this work. Mating type ratios were analysed and compared using the structure of the MAT locus (MAT1‐1‐1 and MAT1‐2‐1). Inoculations of Pinus radiata seedlings were performed in a biosafety greenhouse (P2) to confirm pathogenicity of isolates and compare their aggressiveness. The frequency of occurrence of both idiomorphs of D. sapinea in Basque Country isolates was close to 1:1, however, for collection of isolates of this fungus from around the world, the ratio was 1:2. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the two mating types in the Basque Country was random. Despite no detection of a sexual state, these results could suggest sexual reproduction behaviour. The pathogenicity of all strains in the collection was confirmed. Although aggressiveness (in terms of lesion lengths resulting from inoculation) varied greatly, no statistically significant effects of MAT type or pathogen species were detected.

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