
Comparative field studies of species of dart-poison frogs in the genus Dendrobates were carried out to test predictions from two hypotheses that attempt to explain female-female competition for mates in species of Dendrobates with male parental care. The sex role reversal hypothesis proposes that males invest so much time and energy in parental care that receptive males are rare relative to receptive females, and females compete to find and mate with receptive males. The parental quality hypothesis proposes that females compete to monopolize the parental effort of particular males, because they potentially suffer a cost when their mates care for the offspring of other females. Comparisons between species with male parental care ( Dendrobates leucomelas) and female parental care ( Dendrobates histrionicus) contradicted prediction of the sex role reversal hypothesis, but were consistent with predictions of the parental quality hypothesis. Male D. histrionicus did not compete for mates more aggressively than male D. leucomelas, and male D. leucomelas were not more selective about mating than male D. histrionicus. Female D. leucomelas and D. histrionicus were both selective about mating; female D. leucomelas associated with and competed for particular males, whereas female D. histrionicus did not.

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