
For the history of Craiova, Matilda Brădișteanu Duțulescu was one of the intellectual representative figures, who was formed in the interwar period, ascending all the steps of the teaching carrier, starting from the position of teacher and reaching the leading positions: headmaster of "Elena Cuza" National College (1938) and, then, to that of inspector general (1943). A graduate of the Faculty of Law from Bucharest, based on her bachelor's degree, obtained in the autumn of 1920, she enrolled as a trainee solicitor in the Dolj Bar, becoming, according to her reports, the first lawyer woman in Oltenia. She could not practice this profession, her husband opposing to it. It is well known that the interwar doctrine was stating that, in order to exercise any profession, a woman had to have the authorization of her husband. Even though women asserted themselves in social life and demonstrated their ability to handle any situation, the provisions of the 1923 Constitution put them in inferiority compared to men.

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