The purpose of this study was to find out students' math anxiety levels and compare math anxiety levels between semesters. This research was conducted because of the impact of online lectures during the pandemic era, namely the decrease in student achievement in all mathematics courses. This research was conducted in the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program of Tribuana Kalabahi University. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a comparative approach. The subjects of this study were 157 students who were in semesters 2 and 4. The instrument used in this study was the Revised-Mathematics Anxiety Survey (R-MAX) developed by Bursal and Paznokas. In this study, the instrument feasibility test is still conducted using the validity of the content and reliability test of the instrument. This instrument is declared valid in content according to mathematicians. In addition, the instrument is declared reliable using the Cronbach Alpha method with a reliability coefficient of 0.911. The results showed that students' math anxiety levels were at moderate levels. Cumulatively, 71.3% of students had moderate to very high anxiety disorders. Further comparative test results using independent t-tests showed that there was no difference in the average student math anxiety score based on semester class. Special attention is needed from the University considering the impact of student anxiety on learning achievements and pedagogic competencies in the future.
 Keywords: online learning, student math anxiety.
The results showed that students' math anxiety levels were at moderate levels
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata skor kecemasan matematika mahasiswa berdasarkan semester angkatan
Penelitian menjadi begitu penting untuk dilakukan karena hasil evaluasi prestasi belajar mahasiswa yang menurun dratis selama era pandemi COVID-19 jika dibandingkan dengan sebelum era ini. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi semester ganjil diperoleh lebih dari 70% hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah matematika yakni konsep dasar matematika, geometri dan pengukuran, serta statistika untuk penelitian tidak mencapai standar minimum kelulusan yang ditentukan oleh universitas. Hal ini bertujuan agar imbas dari kecemasan matematika mahasiswa dapat segera dicegah mengingat karakteristik mata kuliah matematika yang akan saling berkaitan pada semester-semester selanjutnya.
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