
Digital technologies have changed the relationship between the society and business entities, taxpayers and the state. Ceteris paribus, the ability to effectively manage financial flows and make administrative decisions depends on the correct and established interaction between the state and taxpayers. This study aims to form and develop a taxpayer’s understanding of the digital age with all its features and opportunities for information and communication technologies, including mathematical modeling methods that form the basis of the digital economy for building and sustaining business development, improving the systemic vision of business processes. The research hypothesis is that the further development of economic entities management in the digital context, as well as the coordination of these entities’ interests, is possible only in the partnership of the key economic participants, with the taxpayer at the forefront. That will allow identifying the areas for improving tax trajectories. Using polynomial approximation, the authors have obtained the models of tax trajectories of companies that allow predicting tax burden. The data for approximations are obtained using the previously constructed mathematical model of the optimal tax path. The main input data of the model are fixed assets and human resources, the totality of which form the production function. The analysis of the transformation of tax paths shows ways for achieving a balance of interests between both the state and the taxpayers. Finding this balance will help to overcome the crisis of confidence in the authorities, the development of adaptability and creativity of Russian society to new tax changes. A number of parameters determines the scale of this task. They include the complexity of the object of study, the long-term and multi-aspect nature of the impact which modeling the digital economy has on adaptation to the new digital realities of the state and taxpayers, as well as the absence of significant analogues of the solution to this problem in global and Russian economics.

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