
Objective. The removal of asphaltene deposits at oil and gas facilities is one of the urgent and important problems and requires significant material and labor costs. It is possible to reduce costs by creating and implementing effective technical means, which requires an in-depth study of the processes of organic matter deposition at oil and gas facilities and their use as a secondary raw material. Methods. This paper discusses modern views on the state of the problem of asphaltene deposits in oil shipping and storage equipment and possible ways to solve it. The paper provides an overview of various ways to clean shipping and storage objects from asphaltene deposits: chemical (adding additives, solvents), thermal (heating by special devices or injection of superheated steam during exploitation), mechanical (using scrapers and pistons), and refers, among other things, to scientific works on the use of ultrasound to accelerate the removal of deposits. Results. The paper considers methods for removing deposits, as well as using the positive effect of the removed layer as a secondary energy source. A procedure for model calculation of the use of ultrasonic equipment to remove deposits has been developed. As a result, the deposit melting front velocity was determined depending on the duration of exposure. Conclusion. Taking into account the positive world experience, the level of development of the ultrasonic method for removing asphaltene deposits in the oil and gas industry and the use of asphaltene deposits as a secondary raw material, this area needs further development. The widespread implementation of equipment and, from the standpoint of rational use of natural resources, the use of deposits as a secondary raw material will increase cost efficiency and equipment efficiency, and reduce environmental impact.


  • which requires an in-depth study of the processes of organic matter deposition

  • Пример профиля температуры T(r) для граничного условия TL =45°C Fig. 10

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Чаще всего особенностью данных месторождений является высокая вязкость нефтей и проблема образования асфальтосмолопарафиновых отложений (АСПО) в насоснокомпрессорных трубах, резервуарах для хранения нефти и магистральных трубопроводах. При добыче и транспортировке парафинистых и высокопарафинистых нефтяных систем на внутренней поверхности нефтепромыслового оборудования происходит образование асфальтосмолопарафиновых отложений (АСПО), что приводит к снижению производительности скважин, уменьшению поперечного сечения нефтепроводов, в некоторых случаях до полного прекращения перекачивания (рис.1). Для эффективной борьбы и очистки с объектов добычи, транспорта и хранения нефти от асфальтосмолопарафиновых отложений (АСПО), механических примесей и воды необходимо выяснить причину и установить основные закономерности образования данных отложений.

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