
The article discusses methods for restoring the lost meaning of old toponyms. This task can be solved using a systematic approach. The study used methods of permutation and transformation of consonants in the backbone of a toponym, methods of di- and trichotomy of a word, formation of a table of all possible transformants, a method for finding associates for all transformants of a word using the vector model of the Russian language, a method for clustering the found associates, a method for determining the frequency of repetition of associates in the corpus of the Russian language, which allows you to calculate the probabilities of the appearance of various clusters, a method of lexical analysis of Old Church Slavonic languages, including Old Russian and Sanskrit. The use of a set of methods made it possible to restore the lost meaning of the toponym Moscow. It turned out that with a probability of more than 80 % the name of our capital goes back to the name of the commander and spiritual leader of the first half of the 15th century, who had the nicknames Mosokh, Meshekh, Moses Khan (Prince). The army of medieval Russia (Tatar-Mongolia) created by this man defeated Byzantium and subjugated Western Europe. During the Romanov dynasty, Western European scholars-Russophobes deleted the name of the commander from the history of Russia. As a result, the toponym Moscow has lost its original meaning. The article also restored the lost meaning of the two most important toponyms of Eastern Siberia - Lake Baikal and the Angara River. It turned out that the lake got its name from the old Russian exclamation Bai-ka-al = ay, how divine! The name of the Angara River in Old Russian means the mountains of Christ.

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