Actuality of research theme. Nowadays conditions of implementation of administrative-territorial reform on the basis of decentralization, the problem of forming a methodology of decision-making taking into account the specifics of the processes taking place in the country becomes especially relevant. After all, the future of Ukrainian society depends on the success of the decisions made in the process of implementing the reforms of the state socio-economic management and the restructuring of the territorial organization of the business entities on the basis of decentralization. Problem statement. For providing of efficiency of reformation of territorial organization of management and administrative-territorial device new models, instruments and mechanisms of management and making decision, which will provide steady development of territories, regions and state, on the whole, are needed in Ukraine. For this reason, there is a necessity of perfection of methodology of making decision on principles of risk management, which will allow maximally to take into account the specific of process of decentralization of power and provide harmonious and effective combination of interests of the interested parties. Analysis of the last researches and publications. Such scientists are engaged in the modern aspects of decision of problems of decentralization and reformation of administrative-territorial device in a country, as Pavliuk A. P., Oliinyk D. I., Batalov O. A., Datsko O. I., Murkovych L. L., Molodozhen Yu. B. and other [1-4]. The results of own researches of problem are in to [5-11]. Selection of unexplored parts of general issue. The question of process control of decentralization on the basis of acceptance of effective decisions needs the special attention and deep both theoretical and practical, researches. Consequently there is a requirement in development of methodology of concordance, making and estimation of decisions, in the conditions of vagueness and risk of origin of negative events and circumstances which are stipulated the national specific of decentralization. Task statement, research aim. By the above-mentioned circumstances the predefined expedience of forming of methodology of risk-management naturally-economic systems on the example of the incorporated territorial societies. Method or methodology of realization of research. In the process of realization researches drawn on scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analytical grouping) and special (abstracting, economical-mathematical design, etc.) methods of study of the economic phenomena and processes. Exposition of basic material (job performances). It is in-process well-proven that risk-management naturally-economic systems to the number of which the united territorial communities (OTСs) belong, must take into account their specific. It is predefined that in practice of evaluation of the economic phenomena and processes in naturally-economic systems of the use of traditional methods it is not always possible. The use of tool of fuzzy set theory is for this reason offered. It is shown that the search of optimum mechanisms of adjusting of investment processes at regional level remains an urgent necessity. Above all things it touches territorial societies, as traditional mechanisms of management investment resources, as practice shows, do not provide necessary efficiency. Well-proven expedience for the estimation of the real investment projects which are offered the incorporated territorial societies, to use the mathematical vehicle of fuzzy set theory, when experts can estimate certain part of parameters of project. It is set that in the modern terms of reformation of administrative-territorial device and decentralization of power in Ukraine need the special attention of problem of management a housing-municipal services, as his maintenance is provided by local public authorities and created in the process of reformation the united territorial communities (OTСs). It is suggested to use the theory of fuzzy set theory at the estimation of quality of housing-municipal services. Conclusions. In-process the well-proven expedience of development of new tool of acceptance and estimation of decisions is taking into account the features of process of decentralization of power in Ukraine. It is set that the use of mathematical vehicle of fuzzy set theory is in relation to the estimation of investment projects, will be instrumental in the increase of authenticity of prognosis calculations in relation to economic and social efficiency of the programs and projects of management territories. The well-proven expedience of the use of fuzzy set theory for the estimation of quality of housing-municipal services. It will allow to take into account simultaneously quantitative and high-quality indexes that will be instrumental in the increase of level of efficiency of functioning of housing-municipal services in the united territorial communities.
The future of Ukrainian society depends on the success of the decisions made in the process of implementing the reforms of the state socio-economic management and the restructuring of the territorial organization of the business entities on the basis of decentralization
There is a necessity of perfection of methodology of making decision on principles of risk management, which will allow maximally to take into account the specific of process of decentralization of power and provide harmonious and effective combination of interests of the interested parties
It is set that in the modern terms of reformation of administrative-territorial device and decentralization of power in Ukraine need the special attention of problem of management a housing-municipal services, as his maintenance is provided by local public authorities and created in the process of reformation the united territorial communities (OTСs)
Метою нормування є приведення кількісних показників до нечіткого числа, що лежить в інтервалі від 0 до 1. В сучасних умовах реформування адміністративно-територіального устрою та децентралізації влади в Україні потребують особливої уваги проблеми управління житлово-комунальним господарством, оскільки його утримання забезпечують місцеві органи державної влади та створені у процесі реформування об’єднані територіальні громади (ОТГ). Традиційним методом оцінки якості послуг є метод експертних оцінок.
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