This study aims to describe the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students with high mathematical resilience on the material of probability. The subjects selected in this study were two students of class VIII I of SMP N 1 Sulang who had high mathematical resilience. Data collection techniques used are mathematical resilience questionnaires, written tests and interviews. The validity of the research data was tested using technical triangulation, source triangulation and time triangulation. Data processing and analysis of research results are assisted by the Nvivo QSR software. The results of this study indicate that students with high mathematical resilience can master all indicators to the maximum. Students are able to express mathematical ideas through writing and orally. Students are also able to demonstrate, describe, and understand mathematical ideas. In addition, students are also able to evaluate and interpret mathematical ideas. Students have also used mathematical notations in working on problems on probability material.
 Keywords: mathematical communication, mathematical resilience, probability material.
This study aims to describe the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students with high mathematical resilience on the material of probability
The subjects selected in this study were two students of class VIII I of SMP N 1 Sulang who had high mathematical resilience
Data processing and analysis of research results are assisted by the Nvivo Qualitative Solution and Research (QSR) software
Uji kredibelitas menggunakan ketekunan atau keajegan pengamat, serta triangulasi. Triangulasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Triangulasi teknik untuk menguji kredibilitas data dilakukan dengan cara mengecek data kepada sumber yang sama dengan teknik yang berbeda. Data diperoleh dengan tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis, lalu dicek dengan wawancara. (2) Tringulasi sumber dilakukan dengan cara mengecek data kepada beberapa sumber. (3) Tringulasi waktu dilakukan dengan cara mengecek data kepada sumber yang sama dalam waktu yang berbeda. Tahap triangulasi ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 minggu. Dua subjek yang berbeda dari masing-masing kategori resiliensi matematis akan diberikan tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan dilakukan wawancara. Kedua subjek yang sama diberikan tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis serta dilakukan wawancara yang berbeda daripada minggu pertama
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