
ci = mass fraction of ith specie cp = specific heat, J=kg K Di = diffusion coefficient of ith specie, m =s Da = Damkoeler number H = specific total enthalpy, J=kg hch = specific chemical enthalpy, J=kg hw = specific wall enthalpy, J=kg M = Mach number P0 = total pressure, Pa p = pressure, Pa p02 = stagnation point pressure, Pa _ q0 = stagnation point heat flux,W=m 2 Re1 = Reynolds number per unit length, m 1 r = curvature radius, m T = temperature, K V = velocity, m=s Z = altitude, km hf i = formation enthalpy of ith specie, J=kg = standoff distance, m = emissivity = specific heat ratio = thermal conductivity, W=m K = density, kg=m = Stephan–Boltzmann constant,W=m K

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