
Efficient detection of the acoustic signal constitutes the most critical aspect in Shear-force Acoustic Near-field Microscopy, for reliably characterize the dynamic response of confined fluids under shear stress. The near-field acoustic emission from the fluid is monitored as the probe gradually approaches to, and subsequently retracts from, the substrate. Herein we report a 7dB improvement in signal-to-noise sensitivity in detecting the acoustic emission from the fluid trapped between a flat sample and the apex of a tapered probe (the latter attached to a quartz tuning fork of 32 kHz resonance frequency). The new design capitalizes on the inherent capacitance of the SANM acoustic sensor (comprising a pile of piezoelectric plates) and a proper matching inductor/capacitance combination to, altogether connected in a tank-circuit fashion, optimize the sensor’s response at 32 kHz. A detailed construction of the circuit amplifier, as well as detailed frequency response bandwidth and noise characterization, is included herein.

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