
Introduction and Aim: The identification of skeletal remains and decomposing them is the most challenging skill in medicolegal investigations. Gender determination utilizing the skeletal remains has been of keen interest. This study aims to assess the role of the foramen magnum (FM) and mastoids in gender determination through osteometric analysis using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of the osteometric measurements in relation to FM (shape, length, width, and area) and mastoid process (length, width, height, angle, area, and intermastoid distance) was assessed in 60 CBCT images in Planmeca ProMax three-dimensional midface machine using Romexis software, taken for the purpose of various dental treatments in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai. Results: P Conclusion: Throughout history, dental forensics has played a major role in the identification of human remains. CBCT is gaining more popularity in the recent times over the other conventional radiographic techniques because of lesser radiation exposure, better accuracy thus it could widen the frontiers of forensics. With the emerging trends in forensics, this study will reveal the explicit aid of FM and the mastoid process using CBCT in forensic odontology.

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