
Relevance. In the middle of the last century, based on clinical and physiological studies, the head of the Department of Prosthodontics of the First Leningrad Medical Institute named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, Professor I.S. Rubinov, prepared a scientific base and formulated the doctrine of functional links and reflexes of the masticatory apparatus. In subsequent years, other scientists and clinicians clarified the features of the masticatory apparatus reflex manifestations and functional characteristics of masticatory units in various oral diseases. New characteristics of reflex formation in various pathological conditions of the masticatory apparatus we re revealed.Materials and methods. The paper presents data from a clinical and physiological study of the masticatory apparatus in 221 people of different age groups with implant-supported prostheses (two-stage endosseous implants). We studied the occlusal force using a gnathodynamometer and measured the muscle tone parameters at rest and the masticatory muscle contraction using a myotonometer. The study describes the masticatory apparatus musculoskeletal physiological reflex features and the manifestation in patients during dental rehabilitation, which was complicated by the gum and/or bone inflammation around the implants (mucositis and peri-implantitis ).Results. The study found that the development of an inflammatory process in the area of the dental implant in the form of mucositis or peri-implantitis did not lead to a protective change in the kinematics of the lower jaw movement to reduce the load on the masticatory link with developing pathology in the area of peri-implant tissues. The paper shows the pathophysiological features of the manifestation of the masticatory apparatus reflexes when restoring the integrity of dentition using prostheses. It describes the mechanisms of forming a vicious pathogenesis cycle in inflammation development in the tissues adjacent to artificial support.Conclusion. The clinical and physiological study substantiates the importance of routine preventive examinations, including radiographic examination, for timely diagnosis and treatment of an asymptomatic inflammatory process around a dental implant and an implant-supported restoration to avoid their premature functional and aesthetic failure.


  • Установлено, что для пациентов с протяженными несъемными конструкциями на дентальных имплантатах (в сравнении со съемными ортопедическими конструкциями) характерно нарушение мелкой моторики нижней челюсти, что может быть связано со снижением афферентной информации от механорецепторов при остеоинтеграции и часто проявляется во время пережевывания пищи [9]

  • (Med.), Professor, President of the Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Dentist of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Director of the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honored Dentist of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

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2. Балин ДВ, Иорданишвили АК, Музыкин МИ. 3. Иорданишвили АК, Лосев ФФ, Музыкин МИ. Остеомускулярный физиологический рефлекс жевательного аппарата и его характеристика. 5. Иорданишвили АК, Музыкин МИ, Жарова ЕН. Проявление жевательного рефлекса у пациентов, пользующихся ортопедическими конструкциями на искусственных. Возрастная и постэкстракционная атрофия челюстей и современные возможности восстановления жевательного аппарата у пожилых и старых людей. Functional jaw muscle assessment in patients with a full fixed prosthesis on a limited number of implants: a review of the literature. Adaptability of mastication in people with implant-supported bridges. Topical review: modulation of trigeminal sensory input in humans: mechanisms and clinical implications. From brain to bridge: masticatory function and dental implants.

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