
Suppose that the early Universe starts with a cosmological Lambda -term (dark energy) originating from quantum spacetime at the Planck scale. Dark energy drives inflation and reheating by reducing its value for massive particle–antiparticle pairs production and oscillation, resulting in a holographic and massive pair plasma state. The back-and-forth reaction of dark energy and massive pairs slows inflation to its end and starts reheating by rapidly producing stable and unstable pairs. We introduce the Boltzmann-type rate equation describing the back-and-forth reaction. It forms a close set with Friedman equations and reheating equations for unstable pairs decay to relativistic particles. The numerical solutions show preheating, massive pairs dominated and genuine reheating episodes. We obtain the reheating temperature and entropy in terms of the tensor-to-scalar ratio 0< r < 0.047 consistently with observations. Stable massive pairs represent cold dark matter particles and weakly interact with dark energy. The resultant cold dark matter abundance Omega _csim 10^{-1} is about a constant in time.

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